The hallmark of a Congregational church is the involvement of church members in leadership, working together with the Ministerial Team to keep the community running smoothly.
We work in five teams that structure our church life:
- Worship Services Team:
Creates Sunday services that teach and inspire us to deepen our relationship with God, and energize us for the week to come.
- Relationship Team:
Creates large-group and small-group gatherings and events where we can all build meaningful inter-generational relationships.
- Serving the Greater Good Team:
Serves others through partnerships with select organizations that change lives. Also organizes a caring ministry of lay Stephen Ministers, and manages friendly visitations to those who are homebound or shut-in.
- Engagement Team:
Creates a welcoming and engaging experience for new guests that shepherds them into full participation in the life of the church.
- God’s House Team:
Creates plans, processes and controls that ensure our finances, investments, staff, building & grounds, and cemeteries are healthy and viable today and for centuries to come.