We delight in having children in worship! All children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary throughout the worship service. If families choose, we offer age-appropriate learning and community formation opportunities.
Our Crib Room is open for children from birth to four years old. Parents and guardians may drop children off with our adult crib room leaders before or during worship, and then return to sign them out after the service concludes.
Church school classes for kids in grades K-5 are offered concurrent to the worship service. Parents are asked to sign their children out after the service concludes.
Youth Groups for elementary and middle schoolers meet weekly through the school year. These communities are places where our children grow in their faith in fun and dynamic ways. Using snacks, games, and service projects, we engage the stories and themes of our faith. All are welcome! For more information or to get involved contact Rev. Caroline caroline@wiltoncongregational.org.
High schoolers gather bi-monthly for fellowship and service projects. A highlight of our year together is the Mission Trip, a travel service opportunity. All 9th – 12th graders are welcome!
All 9th graders are invited to participate in the Confirmation program, a year-long activity that meets twice monthly. Through conversation, reading, writing and serving our community, our 9th graders prepare to join the church.
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